Monday, June 20, 2011


Hello, my name is Francesca and I am currently preparing for the final recital for my Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in Piano Performance. For this final project, we DMA students are given a 70-minute program of music we have not played before, and 90 days in which to learn it, memorize it, and perform it. I'm currently on Day 3. I decided to blog about these three months because 1. I'd like to reflect on it, 2. I might like to look back on it when I'm done, and 3. I think it might be interesting for others to read. I'll try to update this blog daily but if past performance tells anything, that's probably not very likely.

You might be thinking, WHAT? NINETY days to memorize SEVENTY minutes of music? That's CRAZY! Well, you're right. It is kind of crazy, and I was terrified before I started, but now I'm looking forward to this process, and definitely excited about giving the final recital. I'm also excited about this whole process because I think I'm finally going to see what I'm capable of, since I've never really devoted myself only to the piano.

I have lots of other interests, including cooking. You can see what I've been up to in the kitchen at my food blog, The Guileless Gourmande. I wasn't sure if I would find time to cook while preparing this music, but so far, I've cooked a couple of dinners, and I find it relaxes me in the evening.

The last thing I want to share in this welcome post is the music that I'll be learning in the next 90 days. Here's my program:
Theme and Variations in F Major, Op.34 by Beethoven
Mazurkas, Op.17 by Chopin
Hungarian Rhapsody No.11 by Liszt
Sonata No.1 by Ginastera
Noble and Sentimental Waltzes by Ravel

If you want to keep up with my new posts, please "follow" me!

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