Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Slight Setback, but 97.5% Memorized!

Hello! So, just over a week ago, in a freak random accident, I cut my left index fingertip on the razor sharp lid of a can I had set in the sink. I always push the lid inside the can, but had left it open to rinse it, and forgetting it was there, I put my hand down in the sink, and the tip of my finger ran straight into the vertical can lid. Needless to say, I freaked out! I knew right away I had cut it, before I even saw it. Then the fact that it didn't want to stop bleeding made me even more worried. Crap! I was panicking!

But eventually it stopped bleeding, I calmed down, and accepted the fact that I was going to be taking a (left-hand) break for a few days. I guess it was "meant to be" because DC weather last week after I cut my finger was gorgeous for about 3 days. So I did some right hand practicing, and enjoyed some time outdoors. And about the time it started getting hot again, I was ready to sit down and return to some serious practicing.

This cut really threw a wrench in my progress and in my motivation. I'm including a photo (left) of my finger today to show where the cut is, ON the tip, exactly where I need to play. I'm still playing lightly and on a flat finger, but in a few days I think it'll be back to normal. The crusty stuff is liquid bandage which is starting to peel off.

Today is the first day I really feel I'm back on track, which is I guess why I decided to blog. I have less than 2 pages left to memorize of the Ravel Waltzes, and for the first time I felt today like it is almost becoming a cohesive set of pieces. I am still learning waltzes #5 and 8, but after that, I will have this whole set learned and will feel a big sigh of relief.

A friend asked me what percentage I had memorized at this point, and I'm doing the calculation with the total number of pages. Out of a total of 80 pages, I have 78 pages memorized. So... that is 97.5% memorized!!!

Thanks for reading!

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